On the night of the 10th September 2004, the four prominent medical doctors are discussing about Continuing Medical Education (CME) and Renewing medical license(1). The contents of these two contentious issues are well recognized with pro and cons, nevertheless it dose not matter, there is nothing to do with our article.
Why are they so out of mind? Not only lack of modesty but also lack of considering of factors in “Good Talk” namely talk at the right time, talk truthful , talk truthful, talk fruitful and last but not least talk mercifully(2).
The content of discussion is not well co-related. It is rather confusing, even the whole panel is in medical profession with the common objectives of giving maximum benefit to the people.
The conversation is easily induced by mood, full of anger, impoliteness, lack of tenderness, arrogance, sarcasm with hidden agenda and the image of medical doctors is severely distorted. Anyway the producer of this popular television programme “Theung Look Theung Khon: dare to approach, brave to attack” sill gain a lot of benefit
It will be very much beneficial, If the content of discussion is more practical and also aim for the standard of medical care. In real, only 80% of the patients, nationwide, can access to the national health service with deprivation and scarcity of all medical aspects. If our country can afford to raise annual fiscal budget to 4 -5 times higher or even reset the individual national health insurance premium equal to 2,500-3,000 baht per year, The deprivation and scarcity of all medical aspects should be over, and hopefuity by that time the issue of discussion on this television programme, on the night of the 10th September 2004 will be much more appropriate. Let’s say it has been, talk at the right time, which is one of the important of being “Good Talk”.
Lastly, talk merciful, is the heart of being medical doctor which should comprises of good foundation of the spirit, so called “Phrom-viharn 4” i.e. loving kindness, compassion, sympathetic joy and neutrality. Without the good foundation of spirit, even you pass the medical examination with honor, being a good medical doctor is impossible. Loving kindness is the feeling prior to practicing goodness. So you can imagine if the Continuing medical education (CME) is pre-requisite for renewing medical license, it can seriously affect the poor distribution of medical doctors all over the country and also the accessibility of the medical services.
At present, many legislations cause the worrisome to many medical doctors(3-6). If the state or mind of these medical doctors is very unstable, it can also affect the care of critical ill-patient and medical services. Please stop hurting our medical society for a while. It’s time to confront each other in peace, searching for the proper conclusion and also sensible practice to benefit our society.
Keyword : Ethics, On air