Hospitality to the conference attendants is one of the most important issues for the World Medical
Association General Assembly to be considered. The organizing committee organizer must consider
thoroughly on principles and details of hospitality practices which are all important, in order to create the most
appropriate atmosphere for the Assembly.
The principle of hospitality practices for the organizers that should not be missed are the followings:
1. General impression
1.1 Induce the attendants to realize the benefits in attending the Assembly.
1.2 Although the format and meeting steps are well prepared, they can be reviewed or adjusted if necessary.
1.3 Their attendances are worth for their expenditures.
1.4 If they don’t get paid, they can afford their expenses by themselves or not.
1.5 Are the computerized information technology machines installed at the proper place and provided the
useful information for the attendants?
1.6 What should be added to make the Assembly perfect?
2. The attached documents for the Assembly should be useful, clear, complete, easily understood, enjoyable,
and available for study before the Assembly and more information is obtainable.
3. Attendants and panel speakers should be knowledgeable, with easy speech and pinpoint. All are equally
good sample.
4. The atmosphere of the conference and meeting rooms should be elegant and impressive, not scary.
5. Attendants pay their attention also on party with good taste and enjoyable food. Sight seeing or sit visit
are interesting and enjoyable.
6. Their accommodation is worth their price with hospitality and attentive officers.
The other hospitality details are the welcoming attitude to the guests of the participants, the heartiness
friendship, politeness, closely attention and simply arrangement. These are by all means of hospitality.
Keyword : Hospitality, Helsinki 2003