In general, ethical values and legal principles are closely related, but ethical obligations typically
exceed legal duties. In some cases, for example, the abortion law for social purpose mandates unethical conducts.
The fact that the physician has complied to the law does not necessarily mean that the physician acted
When law is in conflict with medical ethics, physicians should work to change the law. Although
under such circumstances the task can be time consuming, we should remember that ethical responsibilities
supersede legal obligations.
With the above considerations, Dr J G Snaedal has been appointed to the chair of the medical ethics
committee by the World Medical Association, to lead the group to resolve the following issues:
1. Declaration of Helsinki
2. Living wills
3. Relationships between physicians and commercial enterprises
4. Dual loyalty and human rights
5. Denunciation of acts of torture or cruel, inhuman of treatment
6. Forensic investigations of the missing
7. Biological weapons
Keyword : Ethics, Helsinki 2003