Background: There is an increasing number of menopausal women in Thailand (estimation of 5 million women). There is no published data on the prevalence of genital prolapse among Thai menopausal woman. So the authors created this hospital based study to identify the magnitde of this problem in Thai menopausal women.
Objective: To study the prevalence and symptoms of genital prolapse in Thai menopausal women attending the menopausal clinic in King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital.
Study design: Descriptive study (Cross-sectional study).
Material and Method: Two hundred and fifteen Thai menopausal women attending the menopause clinic at King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital from the 1st of January to the 28th of February 2004 were recruited. Urinary symptoms history taking and pelvic examination were done. The severity of any prolapse was classified using International Continence Society classification.
Results: Prevalance of Thai menopausal women having any type of genital prolapse was 43.3%. Anterior vaginal wall prolapse and superior vaginal prolapse were the two highest prevalences of genital prolapse (29.3% and 14.9%). The prevalence of genital
prolapse increased by the menopausal age. The two leading symptoms were stress incontinence and vaginal outlet relaxation (89.3% and 51.6%).
Conclusion: From the present study, the authors found the prevalence of any genital prolapse (43.3%) and stress incontinence(89.3%) among Thai women attending menopausal clinic in King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital. The authors strongly recommend pelvic examination and urinary-symptoms history taking to evaluate the severity of genital prolapse.
Keyword : Prevalence, Genital prolepse, Thai menopausal women