This retrospective study was performed to explore the pattern of adult HIV-infected patients admitted to Siriraj Hospital from January 2003 to December 2003 and estimated the economic losses of these patients. Two hundred and forty four medical records were available for review. The proportion of male to female was 2 to 1. Mean age of patients was 36.64 + 9.72 years. The mean CD4 count among 112 patients was 82.79 + 96.49 cell/mm3. One hundred and twenty four (50.82%) were newly diagnosed of HIV infection. The three most common opportunistic infections were Tuberculosis (42.62%), Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (14.75%), and cryptococcosis (13.11%). The mean duration of admission was 15.72 + 15.11 days. The mean expense per admission was 38,194.58 + 32,354.86 Baht. Fifty four patients (22.13%) died during admission. The mean income of these patients was 3,903.5 + 3,841.42 baht per month. The estimated economic losses of 54 patients who died during admission including medical care expense and income losses due to premature death was 69,769,739.32 baht. However, the expected medical expense of antiretroviral medications in these 54 patients if they had been diagnosed earlier and their lives had been saved would have been 42,214,608 baht. Therefore, vigorous voluntary counseling and HIV testing in patients aged 13-70 years when they have any risk factors for HIV infection regardless of symptoms might be more cost effective than diagnosis when they get sick.
Keyword : HIV infection, Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, Economic losses, Voluntary counseling and HIV testing