Objective: To establish HbA1C reference intervals according to DCCT/NGSP (HbA1C DCCT/NGSP) and IFCC (HbA1C IFCC) in adults.
Study Design: The study was a descriptive study.
Material and Method: The study was done in 144 subjects, with 99 males and 45 females, aged between 19 to 78 years old. All subjects had normal vital signs, physical examination, chest X-ray. Subjects who had hyperglycemia, renal problem, liver problem, anemia, and/or hemoglobinopathy were excluded from the present study.
Results: Reference intervals of HbA1C (DCCT/NGSP) is 5.47% (4.79-6.15) and HbA1C (IFCC) is 3.66% (2.88-4.44). The authors also found very high correlation between HbA1C (DCCT/NGSP) and HbA1C (IFCC) of total, male, female, < 35 years old, and > 35 years old, r = 0.9995, 09997, 0.9992, 0.9988, and 0.9999, respectively.
Conclusion: The authors found that HbA1C (DCCT/NGSP) and HbA1C (IFCC) are not affected by sex but are influenced significantly by age group. Since HbA1C (IFCC) will be widely used in routine diabetes manage-ment, the authors recommend all laboratories provide the results of HbA1C in both DCCT/NGSP and IFCC methods during this interim period.
Keyword : HbA1C (DCCT/NGSP), HbA1C (IFCC), Reference intervals