The value and dignity of the medical profession commence right from the entry of the medical students into the medical school. They have to go through a strict and highly selective system in the aspect of learning capability which consists of namely, merit of Phromviharn 4 still suspicious that the process of the medical student selective system, is it included or not? Even if you are a graduate with a high grade and are well trained in the medical profession but without the four elements you are still no good for the society. At present, the society requires medical doctors to be punctual and be fully responsible, to work honestly and ethically. Pay respect to the patient’s rights and critically think of the patient’s benefit first. The professional skill and performance for medical treatment have to be accurate and professional.
Continuing medical education on a regular basis is a must. Utilize the medical equipment and computerized technology in an appropriate way as well as minimize the unnecessary cost of medical care from over investigation. All of these issues can be touched via the society, with the so called “The smart doctor”.
How does the society perceive the merits and ethics of medical doctors? They generally say that we need to be open-minded. Get round the medical news in general, i.e. Mr.Sorayuth’s talk show, a nightly television program. Be modest, respect and honor others. Know how to listen and learn from others. Don’t always criticize everything because we have to work with other professions academically and socially i.e. nurses, pharmacists, social workers, psychologists, solicitors and accountants. Medical doctors should pay respect and appreciate the importance of these professions. The job will be smoothly operated. Anyway, medical doctors always show off and are bossy, seem to know everything, and always lecture others unconsciously. Medical doctors need to be humble, well behaved, much concerned and analyze the situation via the peer group. They shouldn’t blame others and cause damage because our medical colleagues need the support.
Warning others is a state of art. The principle of counseling and communication need to be applied and we have to learn and practice to live. Unfortunately, some doctors might have illusive ideas and are arrogant and think they are the best medical lecturers. Nobody can compete or challenge us anymore.
Usually we should be grateful when we have been advised and then self-correction should follow and maintained without anger, dissatisfaction and opposition. Almost forty percent of the medical doctors still cannot accept this concept even although it has been instructed in the medical schools from the past to the present. What are the pitfalls?
A lot of senior medical doctors are able to meet the eight means (MUK 8) gracefully with the stability of assets and feelings. Don’t expect any benefit except keep doing good things, be happy, tranquil and be considerate. Fully conscious and alert to perform ethically, no despair or depression, visualize the situation in reality. To create a good society full of friendship, encouragement, and partnership for the new generation. These elements are virtually merit and ethics caused by patience, obedience but they are time consuming. The society will them accept our profession with the real value and dignity.
Keyword : Senior physician, Ethics