The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) has currently issued the statement regarding the Registration of Clinical trial in Registration of Clinical Trial in Human Beings, be effective on 13 September 2005, which require research methodology, hypothesis, outcome measurements, criteria for sample selection and volunteer recruitment, the date of research commencement and termination, the last day of volunteer follow-up, the report of the research, the research funding and the researcher correspondence which all of these has been clearly stated in research proposal (draft) issued by the National Library of Medicine (NLM)(1,2).
Previously, the editors of the medical journals were likely to either select or discard the articles for publication which depends on only positive results or simply innovative treatment. And also unacceptable to publish the substandard or failed research. Nevertheless, some researches are academically correct for research methodology but unfortunately highly involved in commerce. These researches won’t be published and cause so many researchers to unrecognize the vitality and core of researches which have been done.
Providing all data for clinical trial registration might leak all the secrets of research funding companies and lead to the obstacles in commerce and delay the process of research.
On the other hand, to expose the research methodology will reassure society to gain more confidence and encourage all the research volunteers to be proud of health promotion in human beings.
The ICMJE statement is still not either popular or well circulated, even the NLM and Network in America will accept the registration thru www.clincaltrial.gov and for ICMJE will accept the registration thru www.controlled-trials.com but for researchers in other countries it is still not easy to find the site of registration(3).
“The Journal of Medical Association of Thailand” are deeply concerned that our medical physicians and colleagues might be gravely affected from the ICMJE statement. In case of one of ours submit the original article for publication might be turned down because of the new tight rule. Because of “The Journal of Medical Association of Thailand” are collectively included in Medical Index of National Library of Medicine which will keep “The Journal of Medical Association of Thailand” in the Arena International Standard(4).
Keyword : ICMJE, Clinical trial registration