Objectives: To determine the response rate (RR), 5-year progression-free survival (PFS), and the 5-year survival rate (SVR) of epithelial ovarian cancer patients who received platinum plus cyclophosphamide as adjuvant postoperative chemotherapy.
Material and Method: Epithelial ovarian cancer patients who underwent tumor debulking surgery and received platinum plus cyclophosphamide as adjuvant chemotherapy at Vajira Hospital from January 1995 to December 2003 were identified. All clinical and pathological data were reviewed.
Results: Among 114 patients included in the present study, 101 patients were evaluable for response. Overall response rate was 79.2%. The 5-year PFS and 5-year SVR were 60.3% (95% confidence interval [95% CI]; 50.5, 70.1%) and 60.7% (95% CI; 50.9, 70.5%) respectively. Subgroup analysis showed better RR, PFS, and SVR in early stage than advanced stage disease.
Conclusion: The overall RR, 5-year PFS, and 5-year SVR of patients of the whole group were modest. These outcomes were significantly better in the early stage than the advanced stage.
Keyword : Epithelial ovarian cancer, Response rate, Survival rate, Platinum, Cyclophosphamide